JUSTICE (Jesuit University Students Together In Concerned Empowerment) is a Marquette University Student Organization dedicated to education and action surrounding social justice issues. We have led campaigns focusing on fair trade, gender equality, Sudan divestment, worker's rights, and other issues. Each year we hold a Social Justice Teach-In to promote awareness on campus, and send a group to Fort Benning, GA, for the annual School of the Americas Protest and Vigil.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Soup with Substance Friday

There is going to be a great Soup with Substance this Friday. It would be great if there were lot of people there to learn about feminism at Marquette and you get a free lunch

Living Feminism: Theory, Practice, and Mission at Marquette

Dr. Teresa Tobin and Dr. Michael Monahan, Marquette Philosophy Faculty members, will speak at Soup with Substance this Friday Nov. 10 in AMU 227 at 12:00pm. They will speak about philosophy of modern feminism and how it is practiced in the world today. The mission of Marquette and its correlation to feminist ideals will also be a part of their discussion.


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